I always tell my good friend, Daniel Wong that the book "The Supernatural Power of Transformed Mind" by Bill Johnson is the beginning of my journey to walk in a powerful Christian lifestyle. I had a glimpse of what a renewed mind can do, when I read that book; in 2011, I saw the fulfilment of what I read in the book right in my church!
Before 2011, to see vision and dream, to prophesy, pray for the sick, cast out demon, they were like something that can only be done by "faith giants". Most brothers and sisters in church wouldn't even dare to try; there was fear of failure and insecurity in the air and also in the heart of man. Very few people would go and try out their spiritual gifts (some fear of prophesying wrongly; some fear of being accused because of failure in operating spiritual gifts). Most people choose to stay "cool", believed that lesser they try, lesser the mistake; not knowing that lesser they try, lesser the success too. And "cool" is another form of "lukewarm", which's written in the Book of Revelation.
I really believed that my God is the best Script Writer. The first adjustment of the Holy Spirit that came to our church, that eventually became one of the core values in our church, was the doctrine of grace. Millions thanks to Joseph Prince from New Creation Church, in 2010, his preaching and insights about the grace of God, had turn the mind of our church members "upside down, and right side up". Since then, our beloved senior pastor who is also an apostolic leader by calling - David Wong Kim started preaching heavily on cultivating an environment of grace. Praise God!! Because of that, our church members have become so loving and forgiving. It's a big big big deal! Only in the environment of grace, people will feel safe to operate their spiritual gifts and callings. In the environment that is suspicious, gossiping, judgemental, faith can hardly be expressed and demonstrated. I didn't know that the bold preaching of the doctrine of grace was just a beginning of the greater thing that was coming!
The second lesson from the Holy Spirit was: "... Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Luke 11:2)” On 7 April 2011, during our night prayer meeting God poured out His Spirit in an extraordinary way. During the worship, we were singing "Fire Fall Down" and the fire of the Holy Spirit really fell super strongly. Many members in church (who are very dignified usually) started got drunk in the spirit, many got caught up into Third Heaven and saw visions, and many were shaking and laughing uncontrollably. We had hard time to end that meeting! Ever since then, God regularly pours out His Spirit in every single meeting super powerfully. We witnessed many few months old young Christians prayed for many sick persons and saw instant healing. I have a cell member who was only a month old Christian felt angels ministered to him during cell group meeting and he received dream that God was talking to him and assuring him when he was facing challenges in life. Nowadays, prophesying is no longer a "fearful" thing. Members in church are very bold to prophesy over one another. Most of the prophecies are so accurate and anointed, and we really marvelled.
Another "sign that makes me wonder" is strangers are coming into our church, and it's a healthy sign! Some of them came without invitation, again I marvelled! I believe that the presence of God is the attraction. My worship team director always remind us: God's presence is always our priority. And I think it's really true! Power evangelism has become a new trend: we operate our spiritual gifts during evangelism. My favourite one is "treasure hunt" prophetic evangelism; we train ourselves to receive "clues" from God to minister to the specific person that He leads us to. Evangelism has become so much fun, we have seen the faithfulness of God in showing us the need of the individual and we minister with the power of the Holy Spirit. The "treasures" (the person that God wants us to minister to) will always marvel when we show them the clues that God shows us and are touched because they are aware that God does care about them.
The year of 2011 is so enlightening to me. I have seen what Christians can do when their minds are renewed, and start to live like Jesus Christ our Master. In Hebrew 6:1-3, we were told to leave the elementary thing and go on for perfection. I believe that perfection is to live in the lifestyle of Jesus Christ; do what He did, say what He said (of course we speak the timely word from God too). And eventually impact the community like Jesus did, and be a mediator between God and man. Because of what happened in 2011, I have so much hope and expectation on 2012. Let us go for perfection! Who want to join us?