Monday, May 9, 2011

"Why would God allow suffering on earth?"

Many people think this is a tough question to answer. But it's actually pretty simple. Regardless what religions or beliefs you embrace, this is the only answer that is true, and it makes sense.

Do you aware that earth had become more and more difficult to live? There were no such environmental pollution 50 years ago, and now the pollution is so serious until even a 5 years old kid started to be aware of the word "environmental". It's so serious that everyone knows that many sea creatures are endangered. People are even concerned by the "food chain" that's disturbed because of many dying species.

I want to suggest that the dangers that we're facing in environment, is not the will of God. God will never have this kind of crazy idea, but He did prophesied that there'll be many suffering in the "last days".

Environmental problem is just one of the many sufferings that we know. In the bible, there are many disasters are prophesied. (God didn't initiate the disasters, He was telling us what is the signs when the end of world is near) This is one of them:

“And there will be SIGNS in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, THE SEA AND THE WAVES ROARING; men’s hearts failing them from fear and for looking at the things that are coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. THEN THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN A CLOUD WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY. Now when these things begin to come to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” (Luke 21:25-28) (emphasis added)

If you have noticed, major natural disasters is happening more and more frequently on earth, it's almost in weekly basis. The tsunami, earth quake, hurricane, and etc. Many people said Malaysia is a safe zone from all natural disasters. But if you are aware, Malaysia are actually surrounded by many volcanoes. Mount Kota Kinabalu is one them (makes you wonder...). For more info about "End Time", you can log in to to find out more.

Now here is the millions dolars question, if God created us, why would He allow us to go through all this sufferings? I thought He is love?

To be accurate, God normally doesn't intervene into our business unless we ask Him to. In the Book of Genesis Chapter 1, it clearly states that God want human to be the "manager" of the earth. There's another scripture in Bible said: "The heavens belong to God, the earth belong to man." And in the Book of Genesis chapter 2, it's obvious that human were in deep, lovely, relational relationship with God. I think Adam was actively allowing and wanting God to rule the earth with him. Everything that was created, God said: "It's GOOD." There were nothing bad on earth. But tragedy happened, when Adam instead of listening to God to be a wise manager, he listened to his wife (Eve) while his wife was tricked by the serpent (satan). And Adam brought curse upon the earth, this is the first record about the sin of man brought curse to the ground. Since then, planting and harvesting had become laborious and toiling. When the sin of man increasing, the earth become more and more cursed. Personally i think the ground of the earth was divided into 7 continents after the great flood that was recorded in Genesis chapter 8. Some people believe that the 7 continents was actually one, but was divided after great tectonic movements.

I want to bring out a point, when the sin of man increases, the disasters on the earth increases too. In the book of Romans chapter 8, it suggests the relationship between human and all the creations. The increasing frequency of nowadays natural disaster is the result of increasing sins of of man.

"Since God is love, why can't He stop the disaster for us?"

Like I said before, God doesn't normally intervene into our situation unless we asked Him to.

"I am sure there're many people are praying to God for help to stop the disaster."

Yes I'm sure too. But I think God doesn't want us to be a crying baby, keep complaining against Him. A crying baby can only express to God about their feeling, but can never co-operate with God to allow Him to bring changes. Rather, He want us to work with Him like friend and partner.
How much you want God to involve, that's how much God will involve. I think in these days, God is calling for people to work with Him, to bring His ruling, His righteousness, justice, love and peace to the earth that we're living. This is what we call "Heavens Invade Earth".

I believe that everyone are called to be people who knows God personally and experientially. And we are to bring God to intervene into situations. We can pray for the nations, we can calm the raging seas and hurricanes by prayer. But before that, we must learn to relate with God personally and experientially. Prayer is not the formula, relational relationship with God is the formula.

God is calling out all individuals to know Him. And this is our assignment, to seek His heart and His face. I pray that you who are reading will be one of them. Let it be so!